Tenzing Lama

BY admin ON 26th Apr 2023

Tenzing  Lama

Tenzing Lama, a nature lover and amateur travel enthusiast originated from remote Dukchhulung valley, located in the mid-west region of Humla districts which is the nearest gateway to the Mount Kailash. Mr. Lama is a researcher and he was also awarded conservation projects entitled “Building Local Capacities for Wildlife Conservation in Namkha Region, Humla District, Nepal” by Rufford Foundation UK in 2018. He holds B.Sc. in Forestry from the Tribhuvan University of Nepal. He has extensive field-based research experience working in the field of wildlife research, mountain community, tourism, and conservation in Nepal. He had traveled across the Himalayan regions of Nepal and other countries. He focuses on wildlife sighting treks and exploring hidden culture in the remote Himalayas. He believes tourism can be a key gateway to raising awareness and fostering positive behavior change for biodiversity conservation.

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